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meet the crew

Alex arrived at Trail Creek Ranch in the spring of 1989 and never left! She grew up in Weston, Massachusetts and went to Lake Forest College outside of Chicago. After moving back to Boston and working in the corporate advertising world, she decided to ditch that and realize her dream to work on a Ranch with horses. Betty Woolsey hired her as the Waitress back when Trail Creek was a full-service Dude Ranch. She quickly expanded her job description and loved the variety of jobs a working guest ranch offered. She met Michael, her husband, while he was Betty's Physician. They married in 1996 and have raised four beautiful young men in this mountain paradise. She enjoys hiking, horses, skiing and sharing the Ranch with people from all over the world.

Alexandra Menolascino (Alex)
General Manager and Caretaker

mike Menolascino 

Alex's husband, Michael (Mike), is a Doctor of Internal Medicine for St. Johns Medical Center in his medical clinic in Wilson. He spends his days off fishing, climbing, and skiing when he is not making House Calls on his patients all over the area. He is our gardener, weed sprayer, sprinkler person, and biggest fan! 

 Julie Buchenroth (Jules)
Assistant Manager and Head Chore Girl

Born and raised in Montreal, Canada, Jules grew up adventuring outdoors with her close-knit family. Based in the city and at a family home on Lake Manitou in the Laurentian Mountains, Jules spent winter weekends skiing at Mt. Tremblant, produced maple syrup in the spring, and filled every summer and fall with swimming and boating. Upon graduating from Brown University in 1989, she headed west to Jackson to work for Betty Woolsey as an Assistant Cook, here at Trail Creek Ranch. After several summers working indoors, she requested a change of scenery and came back the following year to work outside as a chore girl. She now lives on the Ranch in The Ark. Nothing gives Jules more joy than spending time with her two sons, Clark and Wren, when they visit from college. Working outdoors, enjoying the seasonal rhythms of ranch work, Jules is challenged daily and deeply connected to this western mountain landscape.

Jay Wilson

Jay grew up in Strafford, Vermont. He came out to Bozeman to Montana State University. He worked summers for the US Forest Service and got a taste for mountain living. He manages to backcountry ski almost every day all fall/winter/spring - he logs more miles uphill than anyone we know! In the summer he is kayaking on one of the many rivers close by, and mountain bikes when not on the river. He came to Trail Creek Ranch in the summer of 2016. You'll see him at the Barn taking good care of the horses, and in our hay fields, irrigating and harvesting our summer crop. 

Jill Wright
Head Housekeeper

Raised in Jackson Hole, Jill is a longtime local resident of both Jackson Hole and Alaska where she moved after high school graduation. Jill is a teacher in the winter and a housekeeper extraordinaire in the summer. She loves the Ranch because of its peaceful environment, the folks she works with, and the guests she has the opportunity to meet! Jill appreciates the beautiful Rock Mountain area in which she lives and takes full advantage of the skiing in the winter and the backpacking in the summer. She turns 60 next summer buty doesn't feel a day over 35:-)

Bill Kunkle
Working Guest

Bill was born and raised in Pittsburgh PA. (Always a Steeler fan ). After graduating from Penn State, he moved to Alexandria VA where he spent the next 25 years. In 1998 he was very lucky to discover Trail Creek Ranch and Jackson Hole. He knew he had found home !! He fell in love with the beauty, adventure, and wildlife in the Tetons. Trail Creek Ranch and Jackson have been a big part of his life ever since. He moved to Wilson full time in 2006. He spends the summers living and working at Trail Creek.—. Loving life !!







7100 West Trail Creek Road
PO Box 10, Wilson, Wyoming 83014
PHONE or text 307-690-2610

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7100 West Trail Creek Road PO Box 10
 Wilson, Wyoming 83014

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